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Breathe, Past Lives & Spirit Guides

  • Zen Rabbit Yoga 14 South Main Street Travelers Rest, SC, 29690 United States (map)

Breath, Past Lives & Spirit Guides

Co-hosted by Matt Tellier of Half Acre Holistics and Tara Kiprik of Cosmic Connections QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique).

Explore your consciousness in this immersive breathwork journey seamlessly followed by a guided past life regression. Participants are encouraged to bring a pen and journal to record their experience, as it starts to fade like a dream once you awaken.

First, Matt will guide you through an energetic breathwork practice that will help you move into a deeper felt sense of Self. You may have an opportunity to release stuck emotions and stagnant energy while experiencing more self-love, clarity, and inner peace.

After the breathwork, you will be in a heightened state of receiving—feeling deeply relaxed and meditative. In this state Tara will seamlessly guide you on a journey—by seeing, hearing, or feeling—a past life you have lived. The experience concludes with a visit from your spirit guide or guardian angel, where you will receive a message from them.

Past life regression sessions can be fun, interesting, healing, eye-opening and enlightening. You do not need to believe in past lives to participate in this event! People can be shown many things, including memories of this life, things you may have forgotten, past lives, future lives, in-between places, ancestral memories or simply a story unfolding. You may also be shown happiness in a previous life, a reminder of your worth and power, inspiring you to live a good life again; It will be whatever is most appropriate for you to receive in the moment. It can be incredibly liberating and healing to gain an understanding of why things are the way they are.
After your journey you will have the opportunity to share your story and experience with the group (or just listen) - it might be the best part!

(Breathwork may not be advisable for those with certain health conditions such as but not limited to heart conditions, seizure disorders, severe mental illness, or those who are pregnant, or taking certain medications. All participants must review and sign the breathwork waiver prior to class. Please reach out with any concerns and always discuss with your physician to decide what is right for you.)

Regular Price: $54
Zen Rabbit Member Discount 25% OFF: $40.50

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Wisdom Within: Exploring Your Intuition

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